Course Trailer

How does your calendar make you feel?

Anxious? Overwhelmed? Defeated?

Your meetings pile up in disorganized blocks. Tasks get shuffled from one to-list to another, without ever getting crossed off. Your life admin is a can that perpetually gets kicked down the road. You make plans or set deadlines, only to then feel guilty about canceling or delaying. What if you could reset your relationship with your calendar—and the way you spend time—for good, in less than a weekend?

What if you could win back 2-3 hours of free time, every day?

Your calendar has the power to change your entire life ✨ After all, it's a physical representation of your time. If it looks chaotic, your life is chaotic.

What you'll learn

  • Unlock *your* perfect time-management system—one that can easily adapt to the realities of life’s changes

  • Learn the art of time-blocking and save 40 hours every month

  • Makeover your Google Calendar and take it from dread-inducing to dreamy

  • Understand how to plan your calendar based on the season—or module—of life you find yourself in

  • Develop better boundaries and limits around your time, and understand how—and when—to say no

  • Rebuild trust with yourself and your ability to get things done

Pricing options

Course Curriculum

  1. Orientation

  2. Minimize

  3. Prioritize

  4. Make-Over

  5. Plan

  6. Reset

What you'll get

  • $399.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content
  • Over 10 video modules filled with actionable tips and exercises.
  • Supplemental workbook and follow-along instructions
  • Access to a student group for accountability and calendar inspiration

Bonus material

Everything you need to make sustainable changes to your life.

  • Beyond the course, you’ll get a full time-management toolkit and community to help you stay on track and speed up your calendar makeover.

    A workbook to track your progress in the class

  • A list of suggested apps and tools

  • A student group to share calendar screenshots for inspiration, support and questions

Jésabel’s Lifestyle Reset Pillars

Her tried-and-true method helps busy people transform chaos into calm

  • Visual Elements: Colors and images inspire us, text does not. Digital spaces need visual elements to make you actually want to spend time in them.

  • Flexibility: You can’t stay on track of a system that prioritizes consistency when life is anything but consistent. You need wiggle room and space to grow.

  • Symbiosis: You should be in a symbiotic relationship with your system, influencing it just as much as it influences you.

  • Evolution: Life organization isn’t a one-and-done type of thing. It’s something that should be constantly worked on and tweaked as your life evolves.

Meet Jésabel

Your Digital Organization Expert

Jésabel DC

Jésabel DC is a digital organization expert and creator of The Lifestyle Lab, a space where she teaches people how to transform their digital spaces from chaotic to calm. Now, Jésabel has teamed up with Girlboss to release The Life Planner Class. Why the focus on calendars? “Your calendar is a physical representation of your time. If it looks chaotic, your life is chaotic.”


“I've taken a lot of courses over the years with coaches and experts but I have to say my work with Jésabel has completely changed the way I work. We'd all be in better shape if her teachings were taught early on in school. For now, just work with her. It will profoundly change the way you relate to your computer, work and digital environment!”

Kerrilynn Pamer, CEO of CAP Beauty

“I felt I was always rushing and always late and, despite my attempts to organize my schedule, things didn’t really change. The calendar session was exactly what I needed. I feel, generally, more at ease, which is what I’ve been trying to achieve for the past years. Plus, I genuinely had fun doing it—I’d 100% recommend it to everyone!”

Elena Tsangaris, Web Developer

“I am so lucky to have found the Lifestyle Lab at a time when I desperately needed it. I was transitioning from one job to another and starting grad school. Throw a school aged kid in the mix and my inbox (and brain) were a mess! Thankfully the system I developed with Jésabel’s help made everything feel more manageable.”

Kaitlin Maud, Researcher & Creative Strategist

Ditch procrastination and burnout for good with the Lifestyle Reset Method

MINIMIZE: First, we’ll brain dump all of the tasks that you’re currently spending your time on and use techniques to minimize the amount of time you’re spending, especially on the time commitments that don’t contribute to the life you want to build.

PRIORITIZE: Then, we’ll identify your priorities and select which to focus on that align best with the module of life that you’re currently in.

MAKE-OVER: Then we’ll go into your calendar and give it a huge makeover! The way you’re going to take charge of your life is by paying attention to how you spend your time, and that won’t happen if you’re always avoiding your calendar. It needs to look and feel personalized and energizing for you, like your agenda in eighth grade.

PLAN: Then, we’ll use techniques like time blocking to make the most of your time and plug it all into your calendar.

✅ RESET: Lastly, I’ll show you how, why and when to hit reset to realign your time with your lifestyle when you find yourself in a different module of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Don't worry, we got you.

  • How do I know if this class is for me?

    You have trouble getting yourself to do the things you keep saying you’re going to do. You’ve lost trust in your ability to stick to plans, and you want to learn how to finally use your time productively. You feel like you have way more tasks than you can handle. You can’t get any real work done because you’re always having to put out task fires and you want to learn how to get on top of it once and for all. You often fall victim to shiny objects and your default work mode is jumping from one thing to another. You can easily lose hours doom scrolling without even realizing it and you’re looking for a structure that is going to help you focus on the right things. If that sounds like you, then you'll get a lot out of this course.

  • Can I do it at my own pace?

    Yes! This course is asynchronous and can be done whenever you like. We recommend dedicating a weekend to this for optimal results.

  • What if I don’t use a Google Calendar?

    Feel free to use whichever platform you feel good in! That said, we recommend Google Calendar because nothing compares to it when it comes to the amount of control you have over the visuals.

  • What if I don’t love this class?

    Simply get in touch with team Girlboss and we’ll get you sorted. We want you to love this class and if you don’t, we’ll refund you.